Spiritual Quotient (SQ) = Intellectual Quotient (IQ) + Emotional Quotient (EQ).

November 12, 2023
Spiritual Quotient

WARNING: This post is over a year old. Some of the information this contains may be outdated.

There is growing need to be aware about Spiritual Quotient (SQ) to enhance our efficiency multi fold and cope up with the fast paced, complex and ever-changing business environment we are witnessing. We all are quite familiar with Intellectual Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) but not so with Spiritual Quotient (SQ). Lets try to understand a little...

According to Stephen Covey*, "Spiritual intelligence is the central and most fundamental of all the intelligence, because it becomes the source of guidance for the others." Breaking it down further, Spiritual intelligence is the ability to grasp the meaning, value and a sense of worth in whatever we do or want to do. SQ is all about the wholesomeness, self-awareness, compassion, creativity, ability to think, ability to reason out and...all these together. Human beings are different from animals and computers because of SQ. Animals can have EQ and computers can have IQ but not SQ. Also neither animals or computers can ask WHY we have these rules or this situation, or whether either could be different or better. They work within boundaries, defined for them. Lets explore how these 3 Qs are linked...

SQ allows humans to be creative, to seek answers to fundamental questions & play an 'infinite' game. The Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is the sum of our Intellectual Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ). And mathematically can be expressed as below-

Spiritual Quotient (SQ) = Intellectual Quotient (IQ) + Emotional Quotient (EQ).

Basically, all human beings are spiritual in their nature. They may differ in their evolution of such a need and hence work at different levels of need satisfaction. Abraham Maslow, a known psychologist, classified such needs of man in 5 categories in hierarchical nature:-The lowest needs in such hierarchy are biological, such as hunger, thirst and sex. Next one the safety needs that include security, stability and order. Then come belongingness such as affiliation, affection and identification.

Thereafter self-esteem needs follow that include prestige, success and self-respect. Finally, at the top in hierarchy comes the need for self-actualization that refers to person’s need to develop his full potentialities in whatever field one works. In today’s materialistic and highly competitive world it’s difficult to maintain the identity and sense of direction. Ever growing technological changes have put a lot of pressure on all of us and blurred our vision so much that most of us are missing the true essence of our existence.

Take some time out from your daily routine and have a close look at yourself for self-reflection. You may surely find some relevance of spiritualism not only with your career and career planning, but also with your life and success.

source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-your-spiritual-quotient-sanjay-bhargava

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